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Programmable power supply AC80 series

Three phase unified regulation mode, three-phase separate regulation mode and three-phase parallel connection mode.

Simulate various power supply ramp up or ramp down conditions, and adjust the climbing speed of voltage or frequency.

Simulate various power step conditions, and the step change of voltage or frequency can be completed in a single cycle.

Data communication is carried out through serial ports and other interfaces according to specific protocols, and various terminals can monitor the equipment.

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product Overview

AC80 series is a programmable AC power supply with high-frequency power electronic switch conversion 

technology, and the voltage and frequency can be continuously adjusted. It is suitable for laboratories or 

production lines. It can be used as a power supply for debugging experiments, as well as a centralized power 

supply for workshops and laboratories. The power supply inputs a single AC voltage and frequency, and 

generates a very stable and pure sine wave by itself after the internal AC to DC and DC to AC rectification 

and inversion conversion. It is characterized by high degree of automation, stable performance, complete 

functions, complete protection, and more simple and convenient maintenance. This series of inverter power

supply adopts advanced sine wave pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology, which has the advantages 

of high reliability, full protection function, low waveform distortion and high efficiency.

Product features

(1) Step function: simulate various power step conditions, and step changes of voltage or frequency can be 

completed in a single cycle.

(2) Slow rise/slow drop function: simulate various slow rise or slow drop conditions of power supply, and 

adjust the climbing speed of voltage or frequency, so as to effectively reduce the surge current generated 

when the motor or compressor is started.

(3) It has multiple output modes: three-phase unified regulation mode, three-phase separate regulation 

mode and three-phase parallel connection mode.

(4) Wireless monitoring system is provided: data communication is carried out according to specific protocols

through serial port, network port and other interfaces, and various terminals can monitor the equipment.

Product picture:


Technical parameters:

AC80 three in and one out (10kVA-100kVA)

AC80 three in three out (10kVA-100kVA)

AC80 three in three out (120kVA-800kVA)

*Please consult relevant business personnel of the company for other power specifications
*Customized according to customer requirements
*The product is continuously developed and improved, and the technical parameters are only for reference

Product application

Home appliance industry, testing laboratory, industrial power supply, electric vehicle, IT manufacturing electronics, medical industry,

motor/compressor, quayside power and shipyard, aerospace.

